Friday, August 31, 2018

Setting Up My Blog

1.) The process of creating a Gmail account and setting up a Blog was fairly easy. I ran into no issue when setting up both and have always been interested in blogging.

2.) In this course I expect to learn how to think critically about artists and their works. I expect to gain knowledge on the impact of artist's works throughout history and the affect their pieces have had on society. I'm hoping the information I take from this class can be applied to myself as an artist.

3.) I feel pretty satisfied with taking an online course. Since I work full time, taking an online course is convenient for me and my schedule.

4.) After watching the Growth Mindset Video I found three things that strongly apply to myself. One important piece I took from the video was to "Not Give Up". After several years of being out of college I made the decision to go back and not give up on my education. Another thing I related to was to remember that it's okay to have failures, and overcome them. Those who fail are able to learn from them and continue working on becoming successful individuals. Lastly, the idea in growth mindset that your abilities can always be improved is something I can connect with. As someone who greatly enjoys making art, I am constantly critical of my own work. I can say I have definitely witnessed a growth over the years in my artistic process and final pieces. Overall, I found these videos very insightful and relevant to my life. 

Mod 15 Self Portrait

Portrait of James Baldwin Beauford Delaney 1965 Portrait of Armand Roulin Vincent van Gogh 1888 Portrait of Armand Roulin...