Sunday, September 9, 2018


1.)  After watching the videos and reading the article I believe they share a lot of key concepts regarding the human experience with art.

-In Aesthetics: Philosophy of the Arts-Learned a variety of ideals and definitions on “aesthetics” from philosophers throughout history. These interpretations allow us to form our own critical thinking when it comes to examining artwork

-CARTA: Neurobiology Neurology and Art And Aesthetics talked about the eight laws of art and how art affects the human mind. Also delved into how the human brain recognizes what we see as “aesthetic” and distorting images to appeal more to our senses

-CNN Article: In the article, Plato’s quote “Art is a lie that makes us realize truth” resonated with me. Our brain responds to certain artistic conventions that copy what we see in nature. Similar to the CARTA video, the article also touched upon symmetry as an appealing aesthetic as well as the brain being more drawn to distorted images of something familiar

2.)  After watching the video, I feel that the 18th century philosopher, Immanuel Kant’s theory on aesthetics was the most important. Kant set forth the idea of beauty is not ruled and bound but based on a feeling. This feeling is something that can be shared between more than one individual.

3.)  I thought that Changeux and Ramachandran’s scientific view on aesthetics was intriguing and made a lot of sense to me. The both had very insightful viewpoints on a variety of topics. I found Changeux’s idea that art is a non-verbal way of communicating emotions and states of knowledge most interesting. In Ramachandran’s speech I found it very interesting when he talked about distorting images stimulating the brain. Seeing something unusual or out of the ordinary raises awareness in our inner thinking and alerts our senses.

4.)  The videos and articles connect with the reading in the text by giving us a greater understanding of how we analyze art. It extends what the text is teaching by giving us more interpretations from scientists and philosophers to base our own ideals on.

5.)  I found both the films and articles very informative and led me to think about art in ways I wouldn’t normally. They aided me in adding depth to my readings and allowing me to expand my thought process when it comes to understanding art.

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