1. Discuss what you thought about creating your logo.
2. Describe the process: creative thinking skills and ideas you used in the logo creation.
3. What was the most important discovery you made in the creation of your logo?
4. What is the most important information you learned from watching the videos, powerpoint, and reading material for this project? What is your opinion of the videos?
1.) Initially, I thought creating a logo would be pretty tough for myself since graphic design is not my strong suit. I suppose I would consider myself more into fine arts than graphic, so this was definetly change for me, just like the photo assignment.
2.) From the beginning I knew I wanted it to be something to represent female strength in an unconditional way. I immediately remembered from environmental classes and nature documentaries that a female mantis would rip off the head of its male mate after intercourse. I simply thought why not a mantis with it's arms representing the initial of my last name. I chose the colors color and red because I felt the complimented each other while being bold.
2.) From the beginning I knew I wanted it to be something to represent female strength in an unconditional way. I immediately remembered from environmental classes and nature documentaries that a female mantis would rip off the head of its male mate after intercourse. I simply thought why not a mantis with it's arms representing the initial of my last name. I chose the colors color and red because I felt the complimented each other while being bold.
3.) The most important discovery I made in this project that it actually takes a lot more to communicate an idea in a minimalistic fashion. My younger brother goes to school for graphic design, and I am constantly in awe of his practice. I definitely identifiy more as a fine artist so it was hard for me to not want to add so much detail!
4.) I found all the tools for information for this project very helpful and guiding. I learned that it is very important for graphic designers to keep their target audience in mind while creating. It also is important to visualize if your logo would be suited on advertisement items such as the shirts, while designing. I found the videos interesting because it gave me actual insight of a graphic designers day of work. When designing the logo for day thought it was amazing how they took the visual of fireworks and sparklers to create a logo.